Strategic Visioning: Leadership
Leadership - is a shared responsibility with other nursing leaders and reflects both current and future decision making related to strategic and operational issues.
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Policy and Political Action: topics of interest
- Areas of Focus
- Action Notes
- Briefing Notes
- Political Action
- Position Statements
- Reports
- Speaking Notes / Submissions
- Toolkits
Show description [+]Motivate, Innovate, Celebrate: an innovative shared governance model through the establishment of continuous quality improvement (CQI) councils was implemented across the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC). The model leverages agent-specific knowledge at the point of care and provides a structure aimed at building human resources capacity and sustaining enhancements to quality and safe care delivery. Interprofessional and cross-functional teams work through the CQI councils to identify, formulate, execute and evaluate CQI initiatives. In addition to a structure that facilitates collaboration, accountability and ownership, a corporate CQI Steering Committee provides the forum for scaling up and spreading this model. Point-of-care staff, clinical management and educators were trained in LEAN methodology and patient experience-based design to ensure sufficient knowledge and resources to support the implementation.
Show description [+]Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC): Brief in Response to the CNA National Expert Commission Call for Submissions.
Show description [+]The Ontario Public Health Organizational Standards require boards of health to designate a Chief Nursing Officer (CNO) by January 2013. To facilitate the implementation of this requirement, a Public Health Chief Nursing Officer Working Group was established, jointly sponsored by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC), the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) and ANDSOOHA - Public Health Nursing Management (ANDSOOHA), with representation from the Council of Medical Officers of Heath (COMOH); public health Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)/Chief Administrative Officers (CAOs) and Business Administrators; Ontario Nurses Association; current CNOs/senior nurse leaders; and the ministries of Health Promotion and Sport (MHPS) and Children and Youth Services (MYCS).The Working Group’s objectives included identifying and documenting role and requirements for public health CNOs and CNO implementation experiences and strategies. It developed recommendations on CNO role and requirements to provide information and guidance to boards of health and to foster greater consistency of the CNO role in public health units across the province. The recommendations were informed by literature reviews, the expert opinion of current public health CNOs and nurse leaders and an understanding of the public health context. The recommended CNO role incorporates the themes of Nursing Practice Quality Assurance and Continuous Quality Improvement, Nursing Leadership, and Organizational Effectiveness. The CNO requirements outline professional requisites and minimum levels of experience and education for CNO designates.
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The purpose of this brief is to recommend what is needed for health executives and senior leaders to effectively lead health system transformation in Canada. To develop a truly integrated patient-centred healthcare system, health leaders are called upon to work across boundaries related to organizations, professions, sectors and jurisdictions.
Show description [+]Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) provides a unified voice to represent and promote community health nursing and the health of communities. In carrying out its mandate, CHNC funded several initiatives to explore various aspects of community health nursing. Other funding bodies also provided similar research support in community health nursing.The purpose of this report is to synthesize the findings and recommendations of recent reports relevant to community health nursing. In turn, this synthesis will provide a platform for the Community Health Nurses of Canada (CHNC) and relevant national policy makers to plan a course of action designed to improve health outcomes for people living in Canadian communities.
Show description [+]Nursing has always been an integral part of community healthcare, and that role will grow in the future. Rising hospital and long-term care costs, medical breakthroughs and new attitudes toward care are all driving demand for improved home care, public health, primary healthcare and other community care services. This move to community health requires careful human resources planning to ensureadequate skilled staff are available to deliver services and are used to their full potential.This three-part study is a first step toward meeting the information needs of health system administrators, planners and policy makers as they develop human resources policies for communityhealth. We set out to answer three broad questions about community health nursing:1) Who makes up the community nursing workforce and where do they work?2) What are enablers and barriers to community nurses working effectively?3) How can organizations support public health nurses to practise the full scope of their competencies?
Show description [+]The aim of the present study was to describe the scope and degree of involvement of senior nurse leaders (SNLs) in executive level decisions in acute care organizations across Canada.
Show description [+]RNAO is speaking out against actions being taken in some hospitals across Ontario. The association is gravely concerned about proposed nursing staffing models that – disguised under other names – take us back to “team nursing.”In our correspondence and meetings with health-care organizations, we have been sharing the importance of nursing staffing models that secure continuity of care and continuity of caregiver, using RNs for the total nursing care of unstable patients with unpredictable outcomes, and RPNs for the total nursing care of stable patients with predictable outcomes.