Strategic Visioning: All Resources
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Charting a course for the health system and nursing in Ontario: The Future
What will Ontario’s health system look like in five, 10 or 15 years from now? What kind of care will people need in the future? The Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) believes it’s important to look down the road today, and begin planning for tomorrow’s health system.This is why Ontario's nurses have developed a bold vision.
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Policy and Political Action: topics of interest
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Show description [+]The Ontario government has made significant progress in health care since 2003, strengthening and transforming key services. Ontario’s 2014 health care progress report highlights achievements that are helping people across the province
Show description [+]The Canadian Nurses Association (CNA) and the CFNU are actively working with Accreditation Canada and the Canadian Patient Safety Institute on the quality and safety agenda. Together, we have produced a document based on roundtable discussions with patients and their families, nursing leaders, direct care nurses, nurse union representatives and researchers. We conclude that nursing workforce design at all levels needs to be evidence-based, based on four key priorities:1) empower patients and the public through education and supports that are key enablers of quality andsafety;2) support nursing students and nurses;3) promote evidence-basedstaffing practices; and4) promote strong nursing leadership.
Show description [+]This report was prepared as part of Canada’s contribution to the 8th Global Conference on Health Promotion, to illustrate the roles that the health sector can play in advancing health equity—both through integrating health equity into the policies, programs and practices of the health sector as well as through collaboration with other sectors. These are illustrated by concrete examples drawn from across the Canadian health sector, with a particular spotlight on health entities at three different levels of government: the Government of Canada’s Health Portfolio (federal); Alberta Health Services (provincial); and the Saskatoon Health Region (regional). The lessons learned include a number of enabling factors, as well as how to address common challenges that may arise.
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This backgrounder provides an overview of Ontario’s Registered Nurse (RN) workforce, which is broken into Registered Nurses (RNs) in the general class (RN (GC)) and RNs in the extended class (RN (EC)), also known as nurse practitioners or NPs.
Unless otherwise specified, “RN” refers to both classes of RNs. RPNs refer to Registered Practical Nurses, except in national comparisons, when RPN refers to Registered Psychiatric Nurses; Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) are the national equivalent of Ontario’s RPNs. Employment figures are snapshots of data from the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO) taken at registration renewal time, which takes place over several months around January 1 each year.
Please note that cross-Canada comparisons are performed using the latest data from the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI), which give slightly different figures for Ontario than CNO data (see notes at the end of the document). Data in this backgrounder are the latest available as of January 31, 2014.
CNO data runs to 2013 and CIHI data to 2012.
Show description [+]This column shares the best evidence-based strategies and innovative ideas on how to promote and sustain evidence-based practices and cultures in clinical organizations.
Show description [+]Since its inception in 1924, the Ontario Hospital Association (OHA) has helped shape and influence health care policy in Ontario. Today, most Ontarians take publicly funded, universal health care for granted. Yet in 1941, many years before the Canada Health Act was passed, the OHA recognized the need for affordable health care and thus created Ontario Blue Cross. OHA staff were also instrumental in the Ontario government’s creation of the body which ultimately became the Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP). Then, out of OHIP came the Department of Health and subsequently, the Ministry of Health.Today, the OHA assumes a leadership role on the issue of patient safety, and offers its members – Ontario’s private- and public-sector health care organizations, including all 151 hospitals – a multitude of benefits.
Show description [+]The purpose of the working paper is to begin a national dialogue on what concerted action needs to be taken to enhance leadership capacity across Canada and throughout the system, one of Canadian Health Leadership Network's (CHLNet) four new strategic directions. It is intended to form a foundation for an evidence-informed conversation among Canada’s health care leaders. It builds in and upon a four-year, longitudinal series of six case studies spearheaded by CHLNet that examine the crucial role of leadership in health system reform.
Show description [+]In complex and rapidly changing healthcare environments, nurse executives are challenged to lead within organisational systems to fulfill regulatory, health consumer (patient), family, physician and staff expectations, and provide excellence in nursing and midwifery practice across care environments (Parsons & Cornett, 2011; The Kings Fund, 2011; Patton & Pawar, 2012).Nurse executives are in a unique position to influence change in healthcare and the quality of patient care by virtue of their combined professional and executive mandate. Nurse executives are aware of, understand and respond to political imperatives and the impact on health service delivery and nursing and midwifery practice (Talbert, 2012).This position paper provides an overview of the available and relevant literature as it relates to nurse executive positions in health services.
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