Professional Accountability: Practice
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The purpose of this multi-year program is to support Ontario nurses by providing them with best practice guidelines for client care. There are currently 50 published guidelines as well as a toolkit and educator's resource to support implementation. Many of these publications are available in French, among other languages and we continue to translate materials on an ongoing basis.
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The College of Nurses of Ontario is the governing body for registered nurses (RNs), registered practical nurses (RPNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) in Ontario, Canada.
The nursing profession has been self-regulating in Ontario since 1963. Self-regulation is a privilege granted to those professions that have shown they can put the interests of the public ahead of their own professional interests. It recognizes that Ontario’s nurses have the knowledge and expertise to regulate themselves as individual practitioners and to regulate their profession through the College.
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The Ontario Home Care Association is an organization of home health and social care service providers and serves as the voice of home care in Ontario. OHCA members deliver nursing care, home support services, personal care, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, social work, dietetics, speech language therapy and medical equipment in the home. Ontario Home Care Association members are contracted by all three levels of government, Community Care Access Centres, insurance companies, institutions, corporations and private individuals.
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Welcome to the Ontario Long Term Care Association (OLTCA). OLTCA is Canada’s largest long term care association and represents a full spectrum of charitable, not-for-profit, private and municipal long term care operators. The Association’s 440 member homes are funded and regulated by the Ontario Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. OLTCA members provide health care and a home to almost 70,000 seniors annually.
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The Ontario Public Health Association (OPHA) is a not-for-profit organization that provides a strong, unified, independent voice for all citizens, public-health professionals and volunteers committed to improving the health of Ontarians. OPHA has a very active Board of Directors that to accomplish its governance responsibilities and fulfill its strategic plan.
Show description [+]CHNAC, an associate member of the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA), is a voluntary association of community health nurses consisting of community health nurses and provincial/territorial community health nursing interest groups.CHNAC provides a unified national voice to represent and promote community health nursing and the health of communities.CHNAC provides a forum for community health nurses across Canada to share issues of mutual concern and to communicate through meetings and national publicationsCHNAC monitors trends and issues in community health nursing and identifies and responds to issues of interest and concern.CHNAC identifies and responds to issues of interest and concern which affect all community health nurses across Canada.CHNAC represents the view of CHNAC to the Canadian Nurses Association.CHNAC is a leader in the development of discipline-specific standards of practice, core competencies, and a community health nursing certification process. These activities have led to a greater understanding of community health nursing and will increase the knowledge and ability of community health nurses and nursing students in Canada.
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This unique toolkit, written from the nursing leadership perspective, provides the essential information to inform NP utilization in hospitals. Key legislative and regulatory documents, which enable NPs to admit, treat, transfer and discharge hospital inpatients are provided alongside various tools for NP implementation and evaluation. Key early hospital adopters share sample communication strategies, hospital bylaws, practice documents and presentations which can be downloaded and customized to achieve an efficient and seamless implementation of the authorized NP roles. In addition, guiding documents from international jurisdictions provide a broader context and perspective on the optimal utilization of NPs in hospitals.
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Purpose: to assist employers and primary health-care teams in developing structures and processes that allow primary care registered nurses (RN) and registered practical nurses (RPN) to increase their role responsibilities so that they reect their full scope of practice, as outlined in the Primary Solutions for Primary Care report.
Intended goal: to increase access to primary care services by maximizing the scope of practice of primary care RNs and RPNs.
Background: informed by a review of the literature and the results of a provincial survey of primary care providers.
Description: provides a practical approach to full scope of practice utilization including a video case series developed from interviewing primary care teams in six primary care organizations representing the range of models of primary care delivery.
Show description [+]In 2005, the Long-Term Care Best Practice Coordinator role was introduced into the long-term care sector as a three-year pilot initiative funded by the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care through the Nursing Secretariat. The goal of the 'Long-Term Care Best Practices Initiative' is to support long-term care homes in adopting evidence-based practices that will support systematic and consistent approaches to providing quality care for residents. At the completion of the pilot phase in March 2008, the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) assumed the management of the initiative with funding from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care’s Performance Improvement and Compliance (PIC) Branch.In 2008, a provincial survey of the long-term care (LTC) sector was undertaken by the Long-Term Care Best Practice Coordinators (LTC BPCs) to assess the current status of use of best practices in LTC, and to direct the focus of the work of the LTC Best Practice Initiative team. Based on the survey results, the following have been identified as top clinical priorities in Ontario LTC homes:
Client centred care
Continence and Constipation: assessment and management
Falls prevention and management
Pain assessment and management
Pressure ulcer risk prevention, assessment and management
Show description [+]The Professional Practice Network of Ontario (PPNO) has grown from an informal network to an incorporated entity, still retaining the concept of networking, bringing together in collaboration and sharing, leaders in the field of professional practice across the province.The forum is an opportunity to link with colleagues representing any of the professional disciplines found in today's health care system. It is a forum to network, to share expertise, to educate each other and be educated around the broadly defined philosophy of patient service, leadership, collaboration, best practice, accountability and all things that happen at the space where patient and health care provider come together.Our VisionA forum of excellence where leaders work in partnership for the purpose of advancing professional practice in Ontario.Our Purpose
To provide a forum for communication and collaboration among leaders in professional practice within the Ontario health care system.
To promote the development of new knowledge in professional practice.
To promote excellence in professional practice.
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