Collaboration: All Resources
Show description [+]SECOND DRAFT FOR STAKEHOLDER FEEDBACK SPRING 2014Imagine a new reality, where hospice palliative care is available to Canadians when and where they need it; where living well until death is the goal of care. Now, imagine a plan to get there. That's The Way Forward: an integrated palliative approach to care across settings.
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- An interprofessional primary care (IPC) team is a group of professionals from different disciplines who work together to provide health services.
- Optimizing IPC teams can help improve patient outcomes and make the health care system more sustainable.
- To help overcome barriers to IPC, the authors synthesized findings from key informant interviews, a document review, and a stakeholder survey.
- This report provides nine recommendations to help governments, administrators, care providers, and patients optimize IPC.
Show description [+]Key Learnings and Practical Strategies for Enhancing Registered Practical Nurse (RPN) Role Clarity and Nursing Team Collaboration.PurposeThe purpose of this project was to invite nurses (RPNs and RNs), nurse leaders, nursing faculty, and other health care experts from around Ontario to share their knowledge and insights regarding the critical factors that support or hinder the appropriate utilization of RPNs and their ability to work to their full scope of practice as members of intra- and interprofessional health care teams.
Show description [+]The Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education (JRIPE) is an open access journal that disseminates theoretical perspectives, methodologies, and evidence-based knowledge to inform interprofessional practice, education, and research to improve health care delivery, quality of care, and health status for individuals, families, and communities.
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Interprofessional collaborative models of health-service delivery are critical for improving access to patient-centred health care in Canada.
The World Health Organization definescollaborative practice in health care as occurring “when multiple health workers from different professional backgrounds provide comprehensive services by working with patients, their families, caregivers and communities to deliver the highest quality of care across settings.”
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Interprofessional Care is the provision of comprehensive health services to patients by multiple health care professionals who work collaboratively to deliver the best quality of care in every health care setting. It encompasses partnership, collaboration and a multi-disciplinary approach to enhancing care outcomes and is the cornerstone of the HealthForceOntario strategy.
Show description [+]An educated nurse workforce + a good work environment = high quality care. This simple, evidence based, equation whether applied at a global or a local level in the health system is fundamental to understanding how to make the best of the vital resource which is nursing.
- Introduction
- Seeing the Big Picture
- Workforce Planning
- Nursing Workload Measurement
- The Importance of Work Environment
- Improving Learning and Outcomes
- Key Considerations
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CASN/ACESI (Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing/Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières) is the national voice for nursing education, research, and scholarship and represents baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs in Canada.
The objectives of CASN/ACESI are:
To lead nursing education and nursing scholarship in the interest of healthier Canadians.
CASN/ACESI:- Speaks for Canadian nursing education and scholarship
- Establishes and promotes national standards of excellence for nursing education
- Promotes the advancement of nursing knowledge
- Facilitates the integration of theory, research and practice
- Contributes to public policy
- Provides a national forum for issues in nursing education and research
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A Report on the Health Provider Summit Process. Early in 2012, CNA and CMA formed a steering committee of volunteers, whose purpose was to initiate a summit process that would focus on transforming the Canadian health-care system.
Show description [+]Ten years ago, the federal, provincial, and territorial governments created an agenda for health care reform in the 2003 First Ministers’ Accord on Health Care Renewal and the 2004 10-Year Plan to Strengthen Health Care.This report looks back on the last decade of health care reform, identifies what worked and what didn’t, and outlines a better path to achieve a high-performing health system for Canada into the future. Attaining this vision will require a shared and clearly articulated approach, strong and sustained leadership, and a commitment by all stakeholders to support the ongoing change that is necessary - all of which have been found wanting in Canada over the last decade.
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